Overnight Backcountry Skiing

It's 6.30pm and the crew meets for dinner - Canadian time. After sharing our classic tortilla de patata, we make our favourite cherry tea to discuss our next 3 days off activity. After checking the forecast and the avalanche conditions, we decide the idea we've been discussing is doable. With the map on the table it's now time to draw our route... We will spend 3 days/2nights in Keith's hut: a lovely little cabin located in the Duffey area which has countless options for the conditions we could potentially find up there.

5 am - it's time to wake up! While we're driving, we can see the stars shining, meaning that we will have a bluebird day! After an hour drive we leave our car beside the highway and we start skinning up from here. As soon as we get to the hut we go for a quick lap to get a better sense of the area and see how everything looks for the next day. The rest is history... :P . For the next two days we get nothing but good weather, stability in the snow and freshies in every turn. We double check our runs for the next day each night to make sure we know where we are going and oh boy - we get to ski every run we planned. 

It's the end of our last day; we're exhausted but we would all stay longer if we could. We stop quickly at the hut and take a look at all of the lines we've done with a big smile on our faces. We start the ski home - already thinking about the next adventure...

Alex Subias